BioSolWaRe project was presented by FCC Aqualia in ETEI2015

FCC Aqualia

BioSolWaRe project was presented by FCC Aqualia in Environmental Technology for Impact conference (), 29-30 April 2015, Wageningen, The Netherlands.  

Recovery of valuable resources from waste and wastewater

The Environmental Technology for Impact conference (ETEI2015) has brought together the most eminent, international speakers on Environmental Technology for Impact – Recovery of valuable resources from waste and wastewater. They have shared their experiences and findings on realizing opportunities and solutions in Environmental Technology, research promises, and technical solutions, give state-of-the art-overviews and explore the future directions of Environmental Technology for Resource Recovery and Closing Cycles. The conference was a 2-day event, held on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the sub-department of Environmental Technology of Wageningen University. Over 50 speakers and poster presentations addressed the latest advances in this ever progressing research field. The conference has been an excellent opportunity for researchers, industry representatives and end-users to meet and interact. The wastewater industry counted for 50% of the participants at this event (target overall audience 200-300 participants).

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